Two Tubes, Benthic (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One
Species: Tognath
Relations: Cavern Angels Squadron, Saw Gerrera's Partisans
Events: Mission to Jedha
Benthic "Two Tubes," also known simply as "Tubes," was a male Tognath mercenary pilot who flew alongside his eggmate and brother, Edrio. The two shared the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allowed their Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Benthic's homeworld Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Galactic Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. Desiring to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic allied with Saw Gerrera some time before the Battle of Yavin.


See also
Complete list
Benthic Two Tubes | U-Wing (Unique) Benthic Two Tubes, Cavern Angels Marksman | UT-60D U-Wing (Unique)
Benthic Two Tubes | U-Wing (Unique)
Benthic Two Tubes, Cavern Angels Marksman | UT-60D U-Wing (Unique)
Tags (3)

UT-60D U-Wing Starfighter | Cavern Angels Squadron | Saw Gerrera's Partisans

Tags (3)

UT-60D U-Wing Starfighter | Cavern Angels Squadron | Saw Gerrera's Partisans

Last updated: 26.09.2021 10:56:03